Top Color Schemes for Your Website

Choosing the right color scheme is essential to your website. Your layout and fonts should be developed along with your color scheme. Color scheme includes color palette of 2 to 5 colors, used in combination.


You can apply these color combination to background, text (title and body), menu system, links, links hover, images (including logo), action buttons, header, sidebar, footer and other locations.

Color Palette

The color palette comprises primary and accent colors.

  1. Red
  2. Pink
  3. Purple
  4. Deep Purple
  5. Indigo
  6. Blue
  7. Light Blue
  8. Cyan
  9. Teal
  10. Green
  11. Light Green
  12. Lime
  13. Yellow
  14. Amber
  15. Orange
  16. Deep Orange
  17. Brown
  18. Grey
  19. Blue Grey
  20. Black and White