Search Console

Beginner’s Guide to Google Search Console
Google provides a free tool called Google Search Console that provides a lot of detailed information about your site’s performance, security issues, errors, and more. Google Search Console helps you track your site's performance, find issues, and help your site rank higher in Google.

Google URL Inspection Tool
The URL Inspection tool provides information about Google's indexed version of a specific page or URL. You can inspect both AMP and non-AMP URLs. If the page has alternate versions, the tool also provides information about the canonical version. This tool describes the most recently indexed version of a page, not the live version on the web.

Index Coverage Status Report
This report shows the indexing state of all URLs that Google has visited, or tried to visit, in your property. The summary page shows the results grouped by status (error, warning, or valid) and reason. You can click on a table row to see all URLs with the same status or reason and see more details about the issue.

Render Blocking Resources
There are three types of render-blocking URLs: scripts, stylesheets, and HTML imports. These URLs block the first paint of your page. Your goal should be to reduce the impact of these render-blocking URLs by inlining critical resources, deferring non-critical resources, and removing anything unused.

Search Console Performance Report
The Performance report shows important metrics about how your site performs in Google Search results: how often it comes up; average position in search results; click through rate; and any special features (such as rich results) associated with your results.