TF Structured Data Documentation

The plugin supports following structured data types - Article, NewsArticle, BlogPosting, Book, Course, Dataset, Event, FAQPage, HowTo, JobPosting, Movie, Product, Recipe, SpecialAnnouncement, and VideoObject.

There are two parts to this extension:

  1. General Schema: Depending on your type of articles, you can add any one from Article, NewsArticle, BlogPosting.
  2. Specific Custom Schema: Enable it under Advanced Tab, and then select schema and corresponding Joomla categories.

1. General Schema

Publisher name and logo are mandatory requirement. Then, you can select Joomla categories to apply the schema to or leave empty to apply to all the categories.

For image, the plugin uses full article image. If image is not available, it will not insert the structured data.

2. Specific Custom Schema

The plugin uses Joomla custom fields and article fields (title, intro text, images, dates) to generate and insert JSON-LD code. You have to give the name of the custom field as given below for the plugin to work correctly.

Book: author, isbn, format

Event: locationtype, start, end, mode, status, offerurl

FAQPage: question, answer

HowTo: howtosteps (Repeatable), supply (Repeatable), time

JobPosting: dateposted, validthrough, employmenttype, organization, streetaddress, locality, region, postalcode, salary, title

Movie: name, date, director

Product: brand, sku, mpn, isbn, gtin8, gtin13, gtin14, offerurl, availability, price

Recipe: name, category, cuisine, time, keywords, yield, ingredient (Repeatable), instructions (Repeatable), calories, videourl (for embedUrl)

SpecialAnnouncement: dateposted

VideoObject: thumbnailurl, date, videourl (for embedUrl)

3. References