Importing Images to Joomla
You can import images (intro and full text) to Joomla articles. There are two aspects while importing images: image Url that is saved in database and actual image file that is saved in images folder.
Importing Data to Joomla
With TF Import Joomla extension, you can import almost anything to Joomla. You can extract and import content items to Joomla articles, other components and to any Joomla database table.
Extract Single Page Content from External Source
For any article, at minimum you will need title, alias and content (intro text and full text) to get started. After you have setup source, destination and other basic settings, you can configure how to import title, alias and content.
User Course Learning Path
The learning path displays all the modules and their lessons for the course, completion status (if enabled), and action buttons for viewing lesson, taking test, marking lesson complete or incomplete, and viewing detailed score (or attempts) page.
Adding Content to Lessons
Lessons in TF Learn can contain content (text, images, audio or videos or combination of these) and questions for quizzes. To add content, you can either use Joomla articles or TF learn pages or both.
Learning Paths and Completions
After a student enrolls for the course, the student can see all the courses accessible under Paths view. This view shows the list of accessible courses and their progress.
Single Course Detail View
Users can navigate to the single course detailed view page from the All Courses menu item. From this page, users can also enroll for the course.
Insert Dynamic Content in Your Newsletter
You can insert content in your newsletter using special tags or short codes. You can insert user information, date, Joomla articles, category, tag, site information, file or any data from the database.
How to Insert Multiple Items Source Content?
You can add short codes to insert content that will multiply itself, depending upon the limit set or the number of items fetched. After you have selected and configured the content source, you can use tags like {DC title}.
How to Insert Dynamic Content?
You can insert content from database using special tags or short codes. You can insert user information, date, Joomla article, category, tag, site information, file or any data from the database.
Adding Lessons to Module
This page is used to add a new or edit an existing Lesson. To create a new lesson, click on "New". To edit an existing Lesson, click on the title from the list of Lessons.
Adding Questions to Lessons
To create a new question, click on "New". To edit an existing Question, click on the title from the list of Questions.
Adding Modules to Courses
This page is used to add a new or edit an existing Course Module. To create a new module, click on "New". To edit an existing module, click on the title from the list of Modules.
Adding Courses
In TF learn, each course contain one or more modules (this is different from Joomla module). Each module contains one or more lessons. In this way, courses contain lessons organised as modules. The component allows reusing modules in multiple courses.
Access Levels for TF Content
For each content application, you can set frontend access levels for viewing, creating, editing and deleting records.
File Field Guide
The File Upload field provides an input field for uploading one or more files.
Create Application or Content
This page is used to add a new or edit an existing Content. Different Applications are called "Content". Each application or content is associated with database table to store records. Articles or items in the application are called "Rows" or "Records".
Post Submission Handling of Data
Here, you can set what happens after the form is submitted from the frontend.
Content Form View
Here, you can control the settings how form is displayed on the frontend to allow users to submit records.
Content Item View
Here, you can control the settings how records or items are displayed on the frontend single item view.
Content List View
Here, you can control the settings how records or items are displayed on the frontend list of items.
Content Options
Here, you can set the ordering of the records and other options as displayed in the frontend.
Integer Field Guide
The Integer field provides a dropdown select box with a range of integer values.
Hidden Field Guide
The Hidden field type provides a hidden field for saving a field whose value cannot be altered directly by a user.
Folder List Field Guide
The Folder List field provides a drop down list of folders from a specified directory.
TF Content Quick Guide
TF Content is Joomla! component to create advanced content databases, mini-applications and advance frontend forms. Data for each application is stored in a different database table called "Contents". Records or items are called "Rows".
Extending Forum with Custom Fields
You can extend the functionality of the component by adding custom fields. You can create custom fields for topics and replies. For example, you can add forum labels, priority or file attachments to your topics and replies.
Forum Replies
Replies are attached to the forum topics. You can either reply to a topic from the backend or from the frontend.
Forum Topics
This page is used to add a new or edit an existing Topic. Setting up the forum is easy. Topics are the main discussion posts or questions or support tickets. Topics can be created either from the backend or from the frontend.
TF Upload Documentation
TF File Upload custom field enables you to upload a PDF or a ZIP file directly in the article's editing page and display the download link in the frontend. You can also use it to upload a profile photo or images and it at the frontend.
Password Field Guide
The password field provides input control for entering a password where characters are masked.
Color Field Guide
The color field provides input control for specifying a color; opening a color picker when active.
List Field Guide
The List field provides a dropdown select with a generic list of options.
Number Field Guide
The Number field provides a one line text box with up-down handles to set a number in the field. It also adds default validation and displays a numeric keypad in some devices with dynamic keypads.
Radio Field Guide
The Radio field provides a radio button, allowing a single value to be selected out of multiple choices.
Url Field Guide
The Url field is used for entering a URL. It looks like a text input, but has validation parameters and relevant keyboard in supporting browsers and devices with dynamic keyboards.
Email Field Guide
The email field provides input for email addresses. It looks like a text input, but has validation parameters and relevant keyboard in supporting browsers and devices with dynamic keyboards.
Extend Functionality by Adding Columns
You can add additional columns to the database tables to extend its functionality. For example, if you are creating Movies database, you can add columns for release date, director, story and so on.
Add Rows and Records
Rows contain the data or articles or items stored in the database tables. To add data from the backend, navigate to the component dashboard and select your application.
Backend List View
The List View at the backend is used to find, add, and edit records. This is divided into three parts - Toolbar, List Filters and Table. Depending upon the component and view, there may be some variations.
Dashboard and Configuration
The dashboard contains various blocks or tiles with links to manage the component. If the link is associated with any database table, it will show the total number of records in the database table.
TF Structured Data Documentation
The plugin supports following structured data types - Article, NewsArticle, BlogPosting, Book, Course, Dataset, Event, FAQPage, HowTo, JobPosting, Movie, Product, Recipe, SpecialAnnouncement, and VideoObject.
Creating Forms using TF Page Builder
TF page Builder comes with the easy-to-use form builder which supports almost all the standard fields. You can create all types of forms such as contact form.
Adding Elements to TF Page Builder
There are a number of elements to create a website of almost any type. One or more Elements can be added to a Column, You can reuse the elements to add in multiple columns.
TF Page Builder Elements: List
The Elements list is used to find, add, and edit your website elements built with TF page Builder. Elements are basic blocks of content for building website pages. You can reuse the elements created easily.
TF Page Builder Columns: List
The Columns list is used to find, add, and edit your website columns built with TF page Builder. Columns contain one or more elements. You can reuse the columns in more than one row easily.
Adding Columns
Similar to Rows, Columns help build the layout of a webpage. A single Row can be divided into multiple columns and each of these columns can contain other elements.
Adding Rows
Rows provide an initial horizontal structure to the frontend page. It acts like a section with one or more columns. You can add rows to your pages from the Rows tab. A row can be reused in multiple pages.
TF Page Builder Rows: List
The Rows list is used to find, add, and edit your website sections or rows built with TF page Builder. Rows contain one or more columns. You can reuse the sections in more than one pages easily.
Creating Pages Using TF Page Builder
Pages are organised into one or more sections or rows. Each row can contain one or more columns. Each column can contain one or more elements.
TF Page Builder Pages: List
The Pages list is used to find, add, and edit your website pages built with TF page Builder. Pages contain one or more rows or sections.
TF Page Builder Quick Guide
With TF Page Builder, you can quickly build web pages and forms. This guide will help you to understand how the page builder works and create your first page.
Template Structure, Layout and Sections Guide
Air (or BootOne) Template a multipurpose Joomla template that can be used as a standalone template or it can be used as a framework for a wide range of different websites. You can use this template with TF Page Builder or any other page builder also.
Site Navigation and Menu
You can control the display site navigation using Joomla! Menu module. There are two types of navigations - main menu and other menu (sidebar, footer).