How to Install and Update Clientexec

The first step is to download and upload the ClientExec installation. To download the latest version, visit and click "Download the latest release". It will download the zip file of about 45 MB size.


Upload the zip file and extract the files where you want your software to be. Then, navigate to the uploaded directory in a browser and the installer will automatically start.


The Clientexec uses MySQL or MariaDB to store all data. You need to create a database before proceeding with the installer.


Follow the on screen instructions to complete the installation.

  1. Read the End-user license agreement, and then choose to agree to the terms. Click Continue.
  2. Fix any necessary errors or optimizations before continuing. Once you have made the necessary fixes or optimizations (if required), click Try Again. There is no need to leave the page. Click Continue.
  3. Insert your MySQL information. Click Continue Installing.
  4. Create your login email and password (will be entered twice). Click Continue to Last Step.
  5. The installation process is complete. You may now login.
  6. Do not delete the install.php file. It is now necessary for automated updates.


You should use the latest version of Clientexec. Using the latest version allows you to benefit from the latest features as well as any bug fixes.

Automatic Updating

From Clientexec version 5.2.0, you can update Clientexec directly from your admin interface. Simply click the link at the bottom of your admin interface indicting "New Version Available" and follow the instructions.

Manual Updating

  1. Make an Backup of your Database
  2. Ensure your server meets our server requirements
  3. Download the latest version of Clientexec.
  4. Upload to your server and extract the files.
  5. Remove all files except: config.php and the uploads directory.
  6. Navigate to your Clientexec system and follow the onscreen instructions.