MySQL String Functions

Function Description
ASCII Returns the number code that represents the specific character
CHAR_LENGTH Returns the length of the specified string (in characters)
CHARACTER_LENGTH Returns the length of the specified string (in characters)
CONCAT Concatenates two or more expressions together
CONCAT_WS Concatenates two or more expressions together and adds a separator between them
FIELD Returns the position of a value in a list of values
FIND_IN_SET Returns the position of a string in a string list
FORMAT Formats a number as a format of "#,###.##", rounding it to a certain number of decimal places
INSERT Inserts a substring into a string at a specified position for a certain number of characters
INSTR Returns the position of the first occurrence of a string in another string
LCASE Converts a string to lower-case
LEFT Extracts a substring from a string (starting from left)
LENGTH Returns the length of the specified string (in bytes)
LOCATE Returns the position of the first occurrence of a substring in a string
LOWER Converts a string to lower-case
LPAD Returns a string that is left-padded with a specified string to a certain length
LTRIM Removes leading spaces from a string
MID Extracts a substring from a string (starting at any position)
POSITION Returns the position of the first occurrence of a substring in a string
REPEAT Repeats a string a specified number of times
REPLACE Replaces all occurrences of a specified string
REVERSE Reverses a string and returns the result
RIGHT Extracts a substring from a string (starting from right)
RPAD Returns a string that is right-padded with a specified string to a certain length
RTRIM Removes trailing spaces from a string
SPACE Returns a string with a specified number of spaces
STRCMP Tests whether two strings are the same
SUBSTR Extracts a substring from a string (starting at any position)
SUBSTRING Extracts a substring from a string (starting at any position)
SUBSTRING_INDEX Returns the substring of string before number of occurrences of delimiter
TRIM Removes leading and trailing spaces from a string
UCASE Converts a string to upper-case
UPPER Converts a string to upper-case