Add Backend Toolbar and Actions in Joomla
In Joomla!, the administrator interacts with components through a toolbar. Toolbar is a collection of action buttons (New, Save, Close, Publish and so on). It also creates a title for the component.
Toolbar Buttons
There are many types of toolbar buttons. Each button has option accessors like name, text, task, icon, buttonClass, listCheck and so on.
- Link Button: url, target.
- Popup Button: url, iframeWidth, iframeHeight, bodyHeight, modalWidth, onclose, title, footer, selector.
- Custom Button: html.
- Help Button: ref, useComponent, component, url.
- Dropdown Button: toggleSplit, toggleButtonClass.
- Confirm Button: message
use Joomla\CMS\Toolbar\Toolbar;
use Joomla\CMS\Toolbar\ToolbarHelper;
First, get the toolbar object instance.
$toolbar = Toolbar::getInstance('toolbar');
Standard Buttons
These are Joomla standard buttons: apply, new, save, save-new, save-copy, save-close, featured, publish, unpublish, cancel, trash, delete.
1. Add New Button
To create a button for adding a new record.
2. Dropdown Button
To create a drop down button, first create a dropdown. Then, add child buttons.
$dropdown = $toolbar->dropdownButton('status-group')
->buttonClass('btn btn-action')
$childBar = $dropdown->getChildToolbar();
The listCheck(true) method activates the button when one or more items are selected from the list. The icon() method sets the icon for the button.