TF Greet help needed
Hi there ,
I found the page
a little light on detail, can you please explain where to place
say {user name} - is this on the main 'editor' page so that its between '<p>' tags
I am using JCE editor, so I assume its entered in the code editor but I've not had much luck
so where/how can I get the current user name to display?
help appreciated
I was going to show screenshots, because your right
Thats how I thought it worked (I only used lowercase user in the request after retyping it so may times ,but it must make a big distinction)
So being a Module (& unlike a plug-in) I'm not sure where to find the enable user tags option,
but that must be the problem ....
Hopefully, you can point me to the path where I can find that option?
thanks for the speedy reply :)