Remove "Buy it now" button when out of stock?
I'm setting this up to sell physical print editions of a magazine published 4 times a year. We have back issues, but the first 5 issues are sold out. I would like the items image to show, but not show the "buy it now" button.
I've tried every option "enable stock" set inventory to zero etc., but it still shows and they can still click to "buy it now". Seems like having a control of the individual product listing to turn this on or off (instead of at the menu level) would be a good idea.
Also, I turned off "add to cart" because it just goes to a blank page. How does one get the cart feature to function for the front-end user?
I just installed an update, the only difference now, instead of redirecting to the thank you page, it asks the visitor to sign in. The buy it now page still appears on items with zero inventory and sold out/out-of-stock settings. You can test it here
The items with inventory work fine.
If Enable Stock is enabled and Stock Quantity is zero for a product, then it should not show Buy Button. Please check these two settings. If still there is issue, I will need to investigate further. Please share Joomla login details to
For free products (with zero price), The Buy button redirects to login page if the user is guest user.
If Enable Stock is enabled and Stock Quantity is zero for a product, then it should not show Buy Button. Please check these two settings.
If still there is issue, I will need to investigate further. Please share Joomla login details to