Payage live gateway giving invalid URL
Hi, I'm trying to set up a shop through the TF shop extension with Stripe and Payage is giving me some issues.
When clicking the "buy now" button both on the product page and in the test page it gives the invalid URL dialogue box. On stripe itself, I receive the Error 400 code with the following text.
url_invalid - line_items[*][price_data][product_data][images][*]
I'm sure the API keys are correct and I have TF Shop Pro. The test account functions perfectly as well so I don't really know what the issue is or how to solve for it.
Hi there. Thank you! Everything seems to be in working order for the moment. We did a live test and all went well. And the columns issue was fixed. Thank you very much for your help and quick response times! We truly appreciate it. Hopefully, we will move forward smoothly from here. Regards,Tamara