No button in cart to continue process
Thanks a lot and, Appolagise for all my questions, if I disturb.
To have published the button "Proceed to Pay" do I need to have a pay plugin installed? For the moment it is not shown on my cart page this button. I have instaled only Library, and FT Shop.How to receive orders from customers? I dont understent how orders are created by visitors.What am I doing wrong, or what am I not doing?
I intend to use "link to pay" method. This mean to receive orders and to sent to my clients an email with invoice and link to pay. Is it posible?
No problem about questions. It helps to improve extensions :)
Yes, payment plugin is required for payment button. This component works differently. Orders are created automatically after payment.
Invoicing is not available yet. But you can definitely send emails. Customers are Joomla users only.
My reason to create just an order without be paying first. I think it is important in e-commerce.
If orders can be created through two buttons (Proceed to pay) by paying witn Paypal and my proposal (Lunch an Order) by no paying in this case just creating the order of a visitor / client, then I am able to check stock, create discounts, new supply of stock by order and this by email with joomla user registered in my site. I can create an bussiness contact through an order created without pay. The payment method I will use personal, by link to pay, cash on deliveri, bank transfer, depends of what I talk personal with my client through email.I will have over 1000 products and my stock can be zero for some products sometime, and if I take money and I dont have a product is not good. About invoice, this can be done separate from my accounting program and sent on email.
For payments options, you can use Payage component, which supports multiple payments methods.
Creating orders before means users must be registered before ordering. If they are already registered, in any case they will not be able to order out of stock products. To simplify the process, we do not create orders before payment. This is different approach but efficient and simpler.