Process Content after Extracting

After grabbing content from any external URL, in most cases you will need to process it before importing. The options depend on the type of processor. So, you need to save the processor first, and then set the options.

1. Html: Remove Elements

Use this to remove complete HTML elements or tags and everything in between.

  • Html Tag: Select Html tag to remove

To selectively remove Html elements, you can also add condition based on attributes.

  • Attribute: Select attribute
  • Attribute Value: Enter attribute value

2. Html: Strip Tags

Use this to remove HTML tags (without removing values inside the tags). You can add tags not to strip.

  • Tags Not to Strip: Select Html tags which should not be removed.

This processor performs PHP strip_tags() function.

3. Html: Remove Attributes

Use this to remove attributes from any HTML tags. You can add attributes not to remove.

  • Attributes Not to Remove: Select attributes which should not be removed.

4. Html: Add Attributes

Use this to add attributes, along with values, to the HTML tags.

  • Html Tag: Select Html tag to add attribute.
  • Attribute: Select attribute name.
  • Attribute Value: Enter the value of the attribute.

5. Html: Add Element

Use this to add any HTML element. For example, you can wrap any text inside <p> tag. You can also add attribute to the element.

  • Html Tag: Select Html tag.
  • Attribute: Select attribute name.
  • Attribute Value: Enter the value of the attribute.

6. Replace Texts

Use this to replace any text using str_replace() or preg_replace() PHP functions.

  • Type: Select the type of PHP function.
  • Original Text: Enter the string to replace.
  • New Text: Enter the replacement value.

7. Get Array

Use this to get array from HTML. This is similar to grabber.

  • Array For: Select what you need to get from Html - html, value, or attribute.
  • Attribute to Fetch (In case of attribute): Enter the attribute name.
  • HTML Tag: Select the Html tag.

To selectively target Html elements, you can also add condition based on attributes.

  • Attribute: Select attribute
  • Attribute Value: Enter attribute value

8. Get Array Value

Input: Array

Use this to get the value of the array.

  • Array Key: Enter the array key for which value is desired.

9. Array Functions

Input: Array

Use this to apply one or more array functions.

  • Function: Select the PHP function.
  • First Parameter: If required, enter the first parameter for the function.
  • Second Parameter: If required, enter the second parameter for the function.

Following functions are available:

  1. array_pop
  2. array_push
  3. array_reverse
  4. array_shift
  5. array_slice
  6. array_unique
  7. array_unshift
  8. rsort
  9. sort
  10. json_encode (Output will be string)
  11. implode (Output will be string)

10. String Functions

Input: String or Array

Use this to apply one or more string functions to the text or content.

  • Function: Select the PHP function.
  • First Parameter: If required, enter the first parameter for the function.
  • Second Parameter: If required, enter the second parameter for the function.

Following functions are available:

  1. htmlspecialchars_decode
  2. htmlspecialchars
  3. ltrim
  4. rtrim
  5. str_getcsv
  6. str_repeat
  7. str_word_count
  8. strip_tags
  9. strlen
  10. strrev
  11. strtolower
  12. strtoupper
  13. substr
  14. trim
  15. ucfirst
  16. ucwords
  17. explode (Output will be array)

If the input is array, the function is performed on all the elements of array using PHP array_map function.

11. Multiple Processors

Use this to combine multiple processors to get the desired output.

  • Processor: Select the processors.