List All Topics Menu Item

The "List All Topics" menu item displays all the forum topics that are published and enabled to display at the the front.

1. Details

Menu Item Type: Click the Select button. Under TF Forum, select List All Topics.

2. Options

Description: The description is displayed before the topics. You can also add HTML code here.

Show Action Button: Show or hide the button link to create a new topic.

Menu Item for New Topic: Select the menu item for "Create Topic". This will be the link users will be redirected when they click on the action button.

Button Text: Enter the text or label for the Button.

Button Class: Enter the class to style the button.

3. Component Options: Topics

Besides menu item options, some setting are controlled from the component options. From the Dashboard, click the "Options" in the toolbar.

Access: Select the access level who can view the list of topics.

Order Column: Select the column for ordering of the topics - id, title, created, modified, last_reply.

Order Direction: Select the direction of ordering - Ascending or Descending.

No Topics Message: Enter the message that is displayed when there are no topics in the forum.

Show Search: Enable or disable to the search title bar.

Show Views: Enable or disable to show the topic views. You also need to enable "Record Hits" setting for this to work.

RSS Feed Link: Enable or disable to show the RSS feed for the topics.

4. Component Options: Topic

The topic view displays the three parts:

  1. Main topic
  2. Its replies
  3. Reply form

Access: Select the access level who can view the topic.

Restricted Access: If enabled, only topic creators can view the topic.

Order Column: Select the column for ordering of the replies - id, created, modified.

Order Direction: Select the direction of ordering - Ascending or Descending.

Record Hits: Enable or disable to record the hits or views for the topic.

Enable Structured Data: Enable or disable the structured data for SEO.

5. Component Options: Reply

These settings apply for reply form.

Enable Attachments: Enable or disable to upload file attachments in the reply form.

Enable Editor: Enable or disable the text editor for the reply form.

Publish Reply: This is the default published status of new replies. Disable this setting if you want to moderate the replies before it is visible on the forum.

Reply Message: Message displayed after the user submits a new reply.

Reply Redirect URL: Url where users are redirected to after submitting new reply. For example, you can enter the main forum Url here (List All Topics).