Joomla Login and Subscription through Facebook

The TF Mail component allows users on your site to use their Facebook account to subscribe, login or register on your Joomla! site.

Before you can use Facebook subscription, you need to create a Facebook app.

Step 1: Facebook App

Visit Facebook Developers page. Click on Create App button.

Next, you need to select an app type. Select "Consumer" type app. Click Next button.

Display name: When the visitors to your site click on Login with Facebook, they will be asked for permission to see their full name and email address. You can put the name of your site here.

App contact email: This is the email Facebook will use to contact you whenever there is an important reason. This is not visible to the visitors of your site.

After filling in these details, click Create App button.

Step 2: Add products to your app

Click Set up for the Facebook Login product. Select the platform as Web.

Next, enter the url of your site. Click Save and the Continue.

Step 3: App settings

Navigate to the Settings -> Basic from the left menu.

In the App Domains page enter all of the domain names which are going to be used by your site.

Next, add Privacy Policy url and User data deletion url.

Step 4: Facebook Login Settings

From the left menu, navigate to Facebook Login -> Settings.

Valid OAuth Redirect URIs

Here, add the url in the form:

Replace with your website URL. Click on Save Changes button.

Step 5: Credentials

Now, navigate to the Basic Settings (same as step 3). From here, copy the App ID and App secret.

From the Joomla! administration, navigate to the component options.

Under the social tab, enable the Facebook. Enter the Client ID (App ID) and Client secret (App secret). Save the configuration.

Step 6: Facebook Button

You can add the subscription or login button from the component menu, subscription module, and Joomla! login page. Under the options tab, Enable Facebook. This option is available at three places:

  1. TF Mail Component menu options
  2. TF Subscribe module
  3. TF Mail Plugin (for Joomla! login)