Importing Images to Joomla

You can import images (intro and full text) to Joomla articles. There are two aspects while importing images: image Url that is saved in database and actual image file that is saved in images folder.

1. Intro Image

Intro Image: Enable it to import intro image.

Grabber: Select the Grabber from the list to get the image Url.

Processor: Select the processor from the list.

Prepend Url: This is used if the source Url uses relative paths for the image. So, you may need to prepend the Url to get the complete image Url.

Save Image: Enable this option to save the image to the server.

Folder: Select the folder to save the images.

Resize Image: Select Yes to resize the main article image.

Image Width: Enter the new width of the image.

Total Pixels: Enter the total pixels (w x h) of the image. Height will be calculated based on the total pixels.

2. Full Image

Full Image: Enable it to import the full image.

Same as Intro Image: Select No to import a different full image. If set to Yes, full image will be same as intro image.

Other options are same as Intro Image.