Icon Box
The Icon Box displays icon along with the title, short description and link button. The most common usage is for sections that list features of products or services.
You can customize the every element: icon, headline, description and button.
Content Options
Icon: Enter the class for the icon. For example: fa-solid fa-home (You can also add any other classes for styling)
Title: Enter the title for the icon box.
Description: Enter the description for the icon box.
Url: Enter the link for the icon box.
Style Options
Icon Size: Select the size for the icon.
Color: Select the color for the icon.
Rotate: Select the rotation for the icon.
Animate: Select the animation type for the icon.
Title Class: Enter the class to be applied on the title.
Description Class: Enter the class to be applied on the description.
Button Text: Enter the text or caption for the button.
Button Class: Enter the class for the button.