Forum Topics

This page is used to add a new or edit an existing Topic. Setting up the forum is easy. Topics are the main discussion posts or questions or support tickets. Topics can be created either from the backend or from the frontend.

To create a new topic for your forum, click "New". To edit an existing Content, click on the title From the list of Topics.

Form Fields

Title: This is the main heading or the subject of the topic or post.

Alias: The Alias will be used as part of the URL. Normally, you can leave this blank and Joomla will fill in a default value Title in lower case and with dashes instead of spaces.

1. Topic Tab

Description: This is the the post or message.

Created By: The Joomla! user who has created the topic.

Labels: You can organise the topics by adding labels to them.

Attachment: If the post contains attachment, the file name will be displayed here. You can view the file under the attachment tab.

Front: If enabled, the topic will be displayed at the frontend on all topics view. You can set the default value in the configuration.

Sticky: If enabled, the topic will be displayed at the top in the frontend list of topics.

Last Reply: This is the date of the most recent reply to the topic.

2. Replies Tab

This tab contains all the replies to the topic. This is for your reference when replying to the topic.

3. Attachment Tab

This tab contains file attachments for the topic.


Reply: Open the backend reply edit form to make a reply from the backend to this topic. The topic ID is automatically filled in.


Access: The access level group that is allowed to view all topics view.

Guest Post: Select "Yes" to allow non-logged in users create new topics.

Order By, Date of Ordering: These settings determine the ordering of topics on the frontend.

Menu Items

To get started, create two menu items:

  1. TF Forum -> All Topics: This displays all the published and front-enabled topics.
  2. TF Forum -> Create Topic: This displays a form on the front-end where users can add new topics.

The All topics page displays the topics with links to navigate to single topic view.