Extract Single Page Content from External Source

For any article, at minimum you will need title, alias and content (intro text and full text) to get started. After you have setup source, destination and other basic settings, you can configure how to import title, alias and content.

1. Default Options

Here, you can setup default options of imported content.

Published: Enable it to make the content or record published after importing.

Access: Select the default access level of the imported record.

Language: Select the default Language. If you are not sure about this, select All.

Schedule Frequency: You can automatically schedule articles to be published in future. Enter the frequency of article publishing in days. Enter 0 to disable. For example, if you enter 2, the imported articles will be automatically scheduled to be published in future at alternate days.

2. Title

These settings determine how the title of the record is generated.

Grabber: Select the Grabber from the list to get the title.

Processor: Select the Processors from the list for the title.

3. Alias

These settings determine how the alias is generated.

Type: There are three options for generating the alias:

  1. From Title: Alias will be generated from the article title.
  2. From URL: Alias will be generated from the last part of source URL.
  3. From Grabber: Alias will be created from one of the Grabber rules.

Random Number: In case the generated alias is same, add a random number to the alias to create a new record. If disabled, existing record will be updated.

4. Content

These settings are for getting article text and images within the articles.

Intro Text

The content will be imported as the intro text. This is above the "Read more". It is also used for "Description" when the destination is different from Joomla articles.

Full Text

The content will be imported as full text. This is below the "Read more". This is used for importing Joomla articles only.

Grabber: Select the Grabber from the list.

Processors: Add one or more processors to modify content before importing.

Multiple Images

Enable this to import images within the article content. This is different from Intro or Full Text Image.

5. Image Tab

These settings are for importing intro and full text images. There are two aspects while importing images - image Url and actual image file.

5.1 Intro Image

Enable Intro Image: Select Yes to import image.

Grabber: Select the Grabber from the list to get the image Url.

Processor: Select the processor from the list.

Save Images Folder: Select the folder to save the images.

Prepend Image URL: This is used if the source Url uses relative paths for the image.

Save Image: Enable this option to save image to the server.

Resize Image: Select Yes to resize the main article image.

Image Width: Enter the new width of the image.

Total Pixels: Enter the total pixels (w x h) of the image. Height will be calculated based on the total pixels.

5.2 Full Image

Enable Full Image: Select Yes to import full text image.

Same as Intro Image: Select No to import different full image. Other options are same as Intro Image.

6. Tag Options Tab

Enable Tags: Enable or disable adding tags to Joomla articles.

Content Tags: Add the Grabber and Processor combination to extract tags.

7. Images Tab

These settings are used to get multiple images. For example, gallery images.

Grabber: Select the Grabber from the list to get the array of image Urls.

Processor: Select the processor from the list.

Save Images Folder: Select the folder to save the images.

Prepend Image URL: This is used if the source Url uses relative paths for the image.

8. Tag Tab

These settings are used to add tags to Joomla content. It will not create new Tags, only add existing tags to the content items.

Smart Tagging: Select Yes to enable Smart Tagging. This feature will add tags automatically based on the title.

Content Tags: Select Grabber and Processor rules to get the tags.

9. Custom Tab

Enable Custom Fields: Enable or disable extracting content for the custom fields.

Custom Fields: For each custom field name, add the Grabber and Processor combination to extract content for the custom fields.

10. Auto Tab

Auto Processing: Select Yes to automatically process using Task Scheduler plugin.

Frequency Type: Select the duration type: Days, Hours or Minutes.

Auto Frequency: Enter the number of days, hours or minutes.

Next Date: Date on which next processing is scheduled. This is calculated automatically.