Extending Forum with Custom Fields

You can extend the functionality of the component by adding custom fields. You can create custom fields for topics and replies. For example, you can add forum labels, priority or file attachments to your topics and replies.

Create New Custom Field

  1. From the Component Dashboard, click Fields.
  2. Select Context - Topic or Reply.
  3. Click "New" from the toolbar to add custom field.

Display Field at Form

To display the field at the form, select "Editable In" as Site, Administrator or Both.

By default, custom field is disabled at the frontend. You need to change Permissions and set Edit Custom Field Value to Allowed.

Display Field Value at Frontend

The "Automatic Display" setting allows you to change where the custom field is displayed at the frontend.

Context: Forum

  • After Title: The field is displayed after the forum title.
  • Before Display Content: The field is displayed after the forum post and before the replies.
  • After Display Content: The field is displayed after the replies.